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Interest and useage of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies is growing. Governments and central banks around the world are legalising it as tender and it is starting to be accepted as valid payment for everyday things. Japan, Australia, Russia, China, India, Philippines, Canada: just to name some.Today, investment in, and holding of, gold represents 1% of global wealth (around USD 8 trillion). Bitcoin is designed to be a fixed supply of and a store of value and as such is also a potential home for 1% of global wealth. Bitcoin would need to grow hundred times bigger to become digital gold of the same stature. At its current historical rate of growth Bitcoin could achieve that in 12 years. (2018)
Bitmatters is a subscription website community that provides an insight in how to access and trade cryptocurrencies with chat rooms offering the chance of the community to share information and ideas. Contact us via the link for a 10% discount code and get started on your crypto journey today.
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